Spearfish calls for nationwide-public votes. Spearfish was announced as one of the 5 communities competing for $500,000 for their small business community.
The featured community will be determined by a popular public vote. Votes can be cast from January 14 through January 21 by voting online at Smallbusinessrevolution.org or Spearfishchamber.org.
Spearfish is proud to be a community that is known for rallying together. “We have a strong community spirit that thrives through our teamwork and neighborly attitude. Gaining a Top 5 spot recognizes all the support and hard work of all the local businesses and community organizations. We will continue to work together, as we always do, to rally votes,” said Melissa Barth, executive director Spearfish Area Chamber of Commerce.
Anyone from across the nation can vote. Individuals can vote once-a-day from each device that connects to the internet.
How to spread the word:
1. Vote every day, from every device you have.
2. Share daily on social media and ask everyone to share your post and to vote.
3. Call, text, email, or message any acquaintances from across the nation and tell them about voting.
4. Have your business offer a discount to anyone who voted.
5. Wear your Spearfish shirts and merchandise on Monday, January 20.
6. Update your marquees and signs to encourage voting.
7. Have a dedicated time for your staff to vote every day.
8. Continue to use the hashtag #myspearfish.
The Small Business Revolution is a television show powered by Deluxe Corporation. Their mission is to “tell stories of America’s most inspiring small businesses, using photography, film and written word.”
A single community will be featured in Season 5 of the show streamed on Hulu & Amazon Prime. The $500,000 will be directly invested in the 6-7 featured business with resources for a makeover, marketing assistance, and to offer business education. The featured businesses nominate themselves and will be chosen by Deluxe Corporation.
Amanda Brinkman and Ty Pennington made the Top 5 announcement through Facebook Live video at 4:45 a.m. on January 14th. Voting opened later that morning.
“Making it to the Top 5 of Small Business Revolution is another great example of Spearfish’s renowned teamwork, and an amazing opportunity for us to share the Spearfish story with the rest of the nation. Winning top honors is going to take a real grassroots effort from the entire community,” said Kory Menken, executive director Spearfish Economic Development Corporation.
You must be 18 years of age and older to vote.
To learn more about the Small Business Revolution, visit SmallBusinessRevolution.org.
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